
Celebrating Moms with Professional Retail Services

Happy Mother’s Day!

We know it’s a special day for many, but it’s especially big for us. Professional Retail Services was founded by a mom 23 years ago and operated out of the family basement. Today, PRS and its affiliate companies Retail Mechanical Services and Retail Security Services operate out of 22,000 sqft in Bohemia, NY, proudly serving the U.S.’s major restaurant brands, financial institutions, retail, and more. A family focus remains at the heart of this company staffed by many hard-working moms, and this year we’re honored to recognize and celebrate some of the working mothers who help make it all happen!

Meet the Moms

Jackie: Mom to two girls, Client Manager
Michelle: Mother of two, Account Supervisor
MJ: Boy Mama, Account Supervisor

What does it mean to you to be a working mom?

It’s extremely difficult but rewarding at the same time. The ‘working’ part never actually ends, but the feeling of being able to support your kids and lead by example drives me to continue to push forward. -Michelle

I’m a working true single mom, so it means you’re everything. It’s what I do to give my son the life he deserves. -MJ

Being a working Mom means multitasking constantly. You are still parenting when you are working. -Jackie

What can employers do to support working moms or working parents?

It’s nice to work for an employer that’s understanding when you’re a working parent. As important as work is, your children’s needs will always come first, and it’s nice to work for a company that allows grace in those times. -Jackie

Just to understand that situations arise, kids get sick, moms get run down – there are days that they need us to be home. -Michelle

Truthfully, the way PRS supports me as a single mom- I can’t think of anything they could do better. It’s the best company I’ve ever seen in how they treat moms. I feel like PRS goes above and beyond. -MJ

Jackie with her two daughters.


Is there anything about our company that you appreciate or find positively impactful as a working mom?

I find it impactful that they allow us to work from home when our children are sick or out of school. They work with us to help alleviate that stress. -Michelle

Working for other women and mothers is impactful. They are understanding and ALWAYS support family and children first. The women and mothers who run these companies give parents the opportunity to not have to choose between having a career and being a Mom. As a mother of two girls myself, showing them you can be both is priceless! -Jackie

They’re always supportive. They gave me so much love and support when my son was sick and in the hospital. It was amazing having that freedom to know my focus could be on my son, and they checked up on me to see if I needed anything and see how he was doing. I’ve worked here for five years, so I’ve had plenty of issues come up as a single mom and PRS always has my back. Whatever I’ve needed they’ve supported me. -MJ

What are your best “mom hacks”?

Using money as a motivation to get good grades– the girls get so excited to show me good test grades because they know they will be rewarded with a toy or cash. -Michelle

My best Mom hack and rule my kids live by: “It’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.” Apply as needed! -Jackie

Buy the pre-made snack packs! They’re easy and healthy and ready to go when my son gets out of school and I’m still working. Also, getting your kids to help you clean up so you have more time to hang out. -MJ

How do you stay organized as a working mom?

I often use my lunch break working from home to handle house tasks. I have three calendars and a to-do list book. I write it all down so I won’t forget something. -MJ

Staying organized as a mom is key! Planning ahead of time is always necessary. Whether that be meals, activities, or LAUNDRY!!! -Jackie

I don’t. There is nothing too organized about me. I set rules and stick to them, and I set bedtimes. My kids have always run on a routine and we’ve been managing it since. -Michelle

MJ with her son.

What do you find most challenging about being a working parent?

The most challenging part is working 8-hour shifts and coming home to my kids where we eat dinner, do homework, and go to bed. There is not enough time in our day to spend quality time with each other. Some days I come home mentally drained where I don’t want to do anything but just lay down and call it a night. -Michelle

The most challenging part of being a working Mom has got to be the mornings. When children don’t hustle or have a bad morning, this makes you late, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. Jackie

Time. There’s never enough time in the day. You feel like you’re either doing too much or you’re not doing enough. -MJ

What do you find most rewarding about being a working parent?

When my son tells me he loves me and hugs me for no reason. That I can do this on my own and give my son a good life. -MJ

The most rewarding part of being a working Mom is when my children notice how hard work pays off! My 10-year-old daughter recently told me she was going to try hard like I do every day. That showed me they are watching, and I just might be succeeding in both roles! -Jackie

Being able to put a roof over their heads and provide for all their needs on my own. -Michelle

What tips or advice do you have for other working moms?

Just keep pushing through– it’s rough, and it will always be a challenge, but the end game is always worth it. -Michelle

My advice to other working moms would have to be to give yourself and your children grace. You’re not perfect, but children are forgiving, and tomorrow’s a new day, so just try again! -Jackie

There’s always tomorrow. I know some people say tomorrow never comes, but it does, and you shouldn’t try to cram and do everything in one day; it’s impossible. -MJ

Michelle with her daughters.

Thank you, Jackie, Michelle, and MJ, for sharing your story and tips, and thank you to all the moms and mother figures in our lives!